So this is Modern Love...

  • The beginning.

    I finally know how my parents felt the first time they "surfed" the internet in their adulthood. There's this whole big world out there that other people are experiencing and now they're a part of it.  That's how I'm feeling about this blog.  I love blogs.  I follow them incessantly but it has only recently occurred to me to start my own.  I actually have had dreams about it.  And they were pleasant dreams and encouraging dreams.  So i took that as a sign.

    The name of my shop is Modern Love but it was almost So this is Modern Love.  I thought a longer name would help convey what I wanted to get across, that this is my take on modern love, a love of ideas, design, doing things yourself, finding incredible people making incredible things and showcasing all of this in a sweet shop.  Modern Love, in the end, won.  Short and sweet. When it came time to name the blog, So this is Modern Love was the only option.  Here, I'd like share all the things that inspire me and the shop.  

    We are gearing up for some big changes as the shop is moving literally around the corner!  I CANNOT wait!! A new space to curate!! There will definitely be before and after pictures.  Those are always my favorite.  

    I'm so happy to be here.  I hope you are too!  xo Meg

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